More Valentine Hearts Comments![](http://img1.funscrape.com/en/Valentinehearts/144.jpg)
More Valentine Hearts Comments“ Once a man asked God, What is love?
God said, Go to a garden & get d most beautiful flower!
The man returned empty handed & told that I had found d
most beautiful flower but I kept walking in the hope of a
better 1 & then I realised that I had ignored d best. When went
back, I cud not find it there! God said, This is love! U don’t value
it when u have it & repent when u lose it!! Love is d sweetest
thing so never let ur love go in search of a better one!! :-) ”
“LOVE Message
Love is beautiful like butterfly!
When u try to catch it, it flies away..
But when u wait silently, it comes & touches u..
So wait for your butterfly!! ;-)
“ Don't search for eyes which never want to see u..
But never try to escape from the eyes which r always searching for
u!!! :-) ”
More Valentine Hearts CommentsKani.G